Complete Safety !

In Jeremiah 1: 17 God warns us not to fear those who come against us otherwise we will become fool because lack of trust in God of the universe .See, I have made an arrangement for complete safety against their attacks. They will not be able to harm you. You will be like a strong city which can not be conquered.There will be iron pillars or heavy doors of brass. All your enemies including kings, priests and officials will not stand before you. Though they will try yet not succeed because I am with you and I will deliver you.

1 Samuel 30:6 says that David was distressed because people wanted to stone him. They were grieved because of safety of their sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord.

To make word of God work in your life you have to speak it from your mouth loudly so that your own ears hear and faith comes. Every true believer in Christ is both ruler and priest at the same time. You can change your own and everyone else´s destiny by bringing knowledge of God in their lives. God will change their way of thinking and bring angelic protection to keep you in fortess of His safety.

Victory is possible when you change logos in to rhema in your life.

Courtesy Sabka Radio and Aapkiaashaa

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